Board, Committees, Minutes, Resources

YMA Board of Directors

  • President - Dr. Derek Bryant
  • President Elect- Dr. Alex Kmet
  • Secretary-Treasurer - Dr. Alison Madlung
  • Rural Representative - Dr. Lindsey Campbell
  • Director at Large - Dr. Anna Davies
  • Director at Large - Dr. Kathleen Cunniffe
  • Director at Large - Dr. Megan Schenke
  • CMA Board of Directors (ex-officio) - Dr. Alex Poole

**log into member's portal to view YMA Board minutes**

Joint Management Committee (JMC)

YMA - Dr. Derek Bryant (President)

YMA - Dr. Alex Kmet (Past President)

YMA - Katrina Fillmore (CEO)

YG - Deputy Minister Matt King

YHC - Tiffany Boyd (CEO)

**log into member's portal to view JMC minutes**

Negotiation Committee (NC)

Dr. Adrienne Mayes - Chair

Dr. Jake Morash - member

Dr. Stephanie Matchett - member

Dr. Taulee Hsieh - member

Dr. Sarah Biss - member

Fee Liaison Committee (FLC)

YMA - Dr. Taulee Hsieh

YMA — Dr. Stephanie Matchett

YMA — Dr. Adrienne Mayes

FLC submission form - english version

FLC Submission form - french version

**log into member's portal for FLC minutes**

Joint Administrative Committee (JAC)

Director of Insured Health and Hearing Services — Shauna Demers

YMA representative — Dr. Alison Madlung

YMA alternate — Dr. Derek Bryant

YMA Finance Committee

Dr. Alison Madlung (YMA Sec-Treas)

Dr. Lindsey Campbell (YMA Board member)

Dr. Jason Xiao (YMA member)

Katrina Fillmore (YMA CEO)

YMA Equality Diveristy and Inclusion (EDI) Committee 

Dr. Anna Davies (YMA Board member)

Dr. Justine Fair

Dr. Gillian Gibson (YMA member) 

Physician Payment Advisory Committee (*new)

Physician rep - Dr. Stephanie Matchett

Physician rep - Dr. Derek Bryant

Digital Health Steering Committee (*new)

Dr. Derek Bryant (YMA rep)

Katrina Fillmore (YMA rep)

Stephanie Ralph (YHC rep)

Kelly Steele (YHC rep)

Paul Payne (YG rep)

Jason Durand (YG rep)

CMA Nominations Committee

Dr. Jason Xiao